Sanitation and Water for All Partnership

The Sanitation and Water for All Partnership (SWA) is a global partnership of national governments, funding institutions, civil society organisations, private sector companies and research institutions. Their common goal is to ensure access to safe water and sanitation for all. SWA catalyses political leadership and action, improves accountability and advocates more efficient use of resources. High-level political meetings are held regularly to ensure exchange, to document progress and to coordinate players and developments in the best possible way.


German Toilet Organization (GTO) has been a member of SWA since 2017. GTO Executive Director Thilo Panzerbieter has been an elected representative of all Northern NGOs and a member of SWA's Steering Committee between 2012 and 2019. In addition, Thilo Panzerbieter headed the working group on WASH Nutrition, was a member of the SWA Country Processes Team and worked on the SWA governance structure.