Publication of the study „Toiletten machen Schule“


For the first time, the GTO is publishing a scientific study on school toilets in cooperation with the Institute for Hygiene and Public Health at the University of Bonn (IHPH). The aim of the study was to collect reliable data on the situation at secondary schools in Berlin in order to map the current state of the infrastructure and related processes such as cleaning, maintenance and participation. The perspective of the pupils was also examined in order to gain a better understanding of their usage behaviour.

The results of the study show that the majority of pupils have a negative perception of their school toilets and many avoid using them. The inventory of the sanitary facilities revealed functional limitations and damage. There is a need for improvement in the school's internal management for reporting defects, damage or filling needs, as well as in the participatory involvement of pupils in design and decision-making processes. Furthermore, it was found that if the school toilets are cleaned several times a day, improvements can be made that go beyond cleanliness.

Based on the analysed data, recommendations could be formulated that are aimed at schools, school authorities and politicians in order to improve the situation.

For further information visit the project site.